30 September 2009

RENEW International For Spiritual Renewal

In these times of economic uncertainty, possible job loss, foreclosures and other unpredictable events, your morale and spirit can really take a beating. To help people in good and bad times, RENEW International reaches out to millions of people in the United States and thousands of others world wide. They have touched lives in 23 countries, across 6 continents and in 44 languages.

RENEW International focuses on spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition as a ministry. Empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, people strengthen and share their faith. In their 28 year history, they have revitalized parish life in over 150 dioceses in the United States.

Programs and materials are provided to a dioceses by RENEW International to help them meet their annual goals. Their RENEW Theology on Tap reaches out to Catholics in their 20's and 30's both married and single. They use informal discussions in various settings to empower the young. RENEW Worldwide is a 3 year renewal process that is offered to parishes outside the U.S. This enables them to minister to those who are suffering from oppression, war and poverty.