13 November 2009

The Return of Pooh

The first authorized sequel to A.A. Milne's classic fairy tail is now available. It is titled "The Return to the Hundred Acre Wood" written by author David Benedict. The story picks up the where Milne's "The House at Pooh Corner" first published in 1928, left off.

Many avid Pooh fans felt there was no need for a new book saying Milne's book should stand alone. But the Trustees of Pooh Properties, which manages the estate of Milne and illustrator E.H. Shepard have long wanted to carry on with the book. When the trustees read an early version of Benedict's book that they felt that there was an appropriate successor to the original.

This is the classic-looking Pooh and illustrator Mark Burgess makes Christopher a little older. Piglet has his traditional green outfit and Pooh is still the same weight.

Lottie the Otter is an new addition. She is strict about etiquette and is a fan of the English game of cricket.