26 July 2009

Are Motorcycle Helmet Laws Needed?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) almost 5,000 motorcycle related deaths occurred in 2006. Several states require helmets for the motorcycle driver and their passengers. Several states have laws covering only the riders and 3 states have no helmet laws at all. Many states with motorcycle helmet laws are repealing them.

NHTSA, reports that 65% of fatally injured riders in 2006 were not wearing helmets compared to 13% in states that have rider helmet laws. The largest increase in motorcycle fatalities from 2006-2008 was in the age group 50 and above. The group still having the largest percent of fatal crashes was in the 20-29 year age range. 27% of those who died in vehicle accidents with a blood alcohol level of .08 or more were on motorcycles.

With the availability and creativity in today's helmets, there's no end to what kind of helmet the motorcycle driver and rider can purchase. There's also a wide range of helmets for children. Some of the helmet photos are from: Creative Art in Motorcycle Helmets.