10 February 2011

Cleaner Than Clean

Is your carpet clean enough for your baby to take a nap on without worrying about unseen dirt, stains and odors? Even if you vacuum it daily or several times a day, there's lots of "gunk" still living in the carpet fibers.

If you're looking for carpet cleaning Marble Falls or carpet cleaning Bear Creek, then you'll get your carpet "cleaner than clean." Vacuuming only picks up some of the dirt, dust, pet hair and dust mites. Even though it looks clean, it's not. Does Fido the dog or Frisky the cat like to lay on the carpet and maybe roll around pressing their fur (and maybe fleas and outside dirt) deep into the carpet? Are there spots and stains that you've tried to remove and think are gone?

Carpet cleaning Pflugerville and other cities pays attention to what's left in your carpet with spot pre-testing and removal, carpet grooming and protectors and more including odor neutralizing. A really clean carpet can trap in odors. Have you ever been in a house that smells like every meal the family's eaten in the last week? Very easy to fix that problem with a professional carpet steam cleaning company.