01 March 2010

CHUPACABRAS: fact or fiction?

The first that was heard about chupacabras was in the mid '70's when several farm animals in Puerto Rico were found dead. From the Spanish word" chupar" meaning to suck and "capra" meaning goat, these creatures are often called "goat suckers" as it is said that they attack and drink blood of livestock especially goats. The animal bodies in Puerto Rico had strange puncture-like marks on their necks. They were not eaten and often were found with all the internal organs missing, apparently sucked out through the eye sockets. The eyeballs were also missing.

Toward the end of the 1990's sightings were reported in the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Central America and even the southern United States in Florida, Texas and Arizona. Although they seem to have different appearances, the have a few common traits and appear in three specific forms:

*A lizard-like being with leathery or scaly greenish-grey skin and sharp spines or quills running down it's back. It usually stands 3-4 feet high and hops like a kangaroo. Said to have a forked tongue protruding from large fangs and hisses and screeches when alarmed.It leaves a sulphuric smell behind.

*A being that resembles a wallaby or a dog standing on it's hind legs. This one also hops like a kangaroo. It has course fur with grayish facial hair

*A strange wild breed of dog that is mostly hairless with a pronounced spinal ridge, eye sockets, teeth and claws. Supposedly a chupacabra corpse was found in Nicaragua in 2001 that looked like this. Pathologists who analyzed it said that it was just a very unusual looking dog.