Things to consider in order to dig a proper hole:
- Know the purpose of the hole (as mentioned above).
- Pick a spot (again this is based on the purpose of the hole).
- Mark of the size of the hole (you need to know how wide and deep it needs to be)
- Select the tools you'll need: round point/square point shovel, post hole digger, tape measure etc.
- Take the selected shovel, hold it upright and jump up and down on it (land on the top)
- Take shovel out . Repeat "jumping on". Move right or left in the hole as needed.
- Throw out dirt/grass/roots, weeds etc. as you come upon them.
- Continue until you reach the desired height/width/depth of the hole.
- Put your "whatever" in the hole and hope it fits. Fill in as needed.
Lastly: figure out what to do with the grass, weeds, roots, rocks and gravel that came out of the hole that you didn't put back in . Good Luck !!